Ethnic Studies in the United States as Decolonial Studies within the Westernized Global University System


  • Ramón Grosfoguel



university, eurocentrism, decolonial thought, multiculturalism, identity politics


This article is an analysis of the Westernized university and its Eurocentric fundamentalism in relation to the subaltern struggles of racialized groups in the United States and its impact on the formation of ethnic studies in the university’s epistemic structure. The article goes on to discuss questions of epistemic racism/sexism and the dilemmas that ethnic studies programs confront today in particular forms of disciplinary colonization, liberal multiculturalism and identity politics.


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RAMóN GROSfOGUEL • Los estudios étnicos en Estados Unidos como estudios descoloniales al interior del sistema universitario global occidentalizado

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How to Cite

Grosfoguel, R. (2013). Ethnic Studies in the United States as Decolonial Studies within the Westernized Global University System. Revista Ra Ximhai , 9(1 Especial), 17–34.



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