Justice or peace? The problem of amnesty


  • Francisco Cortés Rodas




peace conversations, crimes against humanity, international law, transitional justice


This article questions whether it is possible in a negotiation process between a government and a rebel group to propose an amnesty or legal pardon for international crimes. On the one hand, international criminal law has made it possible to punish the most serious crimes through the intervention of international courts. But on the other hand, if the negotiation seeks to subject the members of the rebel group to national or international courts, peace may seem too costly for them. They will prefer to continue in the war than accept conditions in the dialogue that are absolutely contrary to their interests.


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How to Cite

Cortés Rodas, F. (2013). Justice or peace? The problem of amnesty. Revista Ra Ximhai , 9(2), 131–159. https://doi.org/10.35197/rx.09.02.2013.05.fc



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