Bullying is a manifestation of deterioration in social interaction between peers
bullying, primary educationAbstract
The objective of this work was to analyze the psycho-social dynamics of bullying in aggressors and victims from an individual psychology perspective, considering the role of the family, school and culture in general. Exposure to peer violence within, around or beyond school has become so recurrent that it has ended up being normalized (Cerón, 2011), becoming a tolerated pattern of interaction, even encouraged as a desirable style of conduct. Thus, relationships between peers are often based on intimidation, with the aggressor assuming that he has earned respect, without realizing that what he has earned is the mistrust and eventual submission of his victim when he attacks her. In this sense, the intervention of the school is proposed as a fundamental axis of action, because it will be the social institution in which the set of fractures and deficiencies in the upbringing of children, sons and daughters, of this family diversity, are revealed, at the same time, of having conditions and pedagogical elements conducive to acting in favor of peace and social coexistence among peers.
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