ADHD in Adolescents


  • José Humberto Ayala Ibarra
  • Edna Yajaira Vega Checa
  • Zenaida Lopez Cabanillas



Attention deficit disorder, hyperactivity, specific educational needs, adolescent, tutorships


ADHD is an Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, where the child presents detention to instructions and directions and in addition to this, presents hyperactivity / impulsivity, his behaviors are of constant movement, he does not stop rocking in his chair, acceleration in his participation, creative, disorganized. Its main characteristic is hyperactivity / impulsivity. For the adolescent, it is essential that academic institutions and their teachers, care and take care of practicing educational inclusion and respect for diversity, as well as implementing actions and strategies of integral action for the high school student in order to have the opportunity to have a school and personal development for his professional and family future, where the tutorial action is essential. For this, it is important to know the aspects that intervene in this subject such as; conceptualization, characteristics, risk factors, supports that can be provided, etc. What indicates the active participation of teachers, parents and students themselves with and without ADHD.


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How to Cite

Ayala Ibarra, J. H., Vega Checa, E. Y., & Lopez Cabanillas, Z. (2013). ADHD in Adolescents. Revista Ra Ximhai , 9(4 Especial).



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