Paving the Way: Conditions for the Insertion of Beginning Educators in Northern Mexico


  • Evangelina Cervantes H
  • Pavel Roel Gutiérrez S



This document analyzes the training processes and conditions under which graduates of the Bachelor's Degree in Education offered by the Autonomous University of Ciudad Juárez are inserted into teaching work. Through qualitative research, the testimonies of graduates who are currently dedicated to teaching are recovered. The study offers a perspective on the training and insertion of teachers who graduated from the UACJ in basic education services in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, observing a state of labor vulnerability due to the lack of a professional degree that corresponds to the profile of the level.


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How to Cite

Cervantes H, E., & Gutiérrez S, P. R. (2013). Paving the Way: Conditions for the Insertion of Beginning Educators in Northern Mexico. Revista Ra Ximhai , 9(4 Especial).



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