The Assessment of Competency-Based Learning at the Preschool Level


  • Oralia Ortiz Varela
  • Efrén Viramontes Anaya
  • Alma Delia Campos Arroyo



The research is about the evaluation of competency-based learning in a mixed group of preschoolers at the Melchor Ocampo Kindergarten in Delicias, Chihuahua. The most important theoretical foundations were those provided by Casanova (1998), in relation to evaluation; and Díaz Barriga (2003 and 2006), with teaching based on competencies and didactic strategies. The objective of the research is to carry out a systematic follow-up of the evaluation of competencies, as well as to design and experiment with alternatives for the evaluation of competencies in preschool.

The methodology adopted is a qualitative approach, with the critical dialectical paradigm, with the Action Research method, comprehensive evaluation projects were designed, applied and analyzed. The inquiry processes were carried out using observation and interview techniques, instruments such as the field diary and the questionnaire (Hernández et. al., 2006), in addition to the method of systematization of practice proposed by Gagneten (1987).

The results showed that the most commonly used instruments and techniques to assess competencies were: observation, field diary, checklists, interviews with children, identification cards, children's work, immediate group records and other work evidence. The theoretical knowledge of the assessment of the wide variety of techniques and instruments to carry out the process made it clear that every teacher requires, in addition to theoretical knowledge, the use of the range of possibilities to obtain information on the process that children follow in their learning, without limiting themselves to just one of them. They also need to develop both the ability and creativity of use, as well as the vision of what they can potentially contribute.

It is concluded that it is possible to assess the 50 competencies that the school program proposes, through the use of an evolutionary folder for each child, making a general school year plan, considering the assessment from the didactic situations, as well as applying the techniques and instruments at different times of the process, creating a self-assessment awareness in the group and recognizing that part of the problem is also in the teacher.


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Casanova, M.A. (1998). La evaluación Educativa, Secretaria de Educación Pública. México. Editorial Muralla.

Gagneten, M. M. (1987). Hacia una metodología de sistematización de la práctica. Argentina. Editorial Humanitas.

Hernández, S., Fernández C., Baptista L. (2006). Metodología de la

investigación Cuarta edición. México. Editorial Mc Graw Hill.

Tobón, T., Pimienta P., García F. (2010). Secuencias didácticas: aprendizaje y evaluación de competencias. México. Editorial Pearson Educación.

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How to Cite

Ortiz Varela, O., Viramontes Anaya, E., & Campos Arroyo, A. D. (2013). The Assessment of Competency-Based Learning at the Preschool Level. Revista Ra Ximhai , 9(4 Especial).



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