Estimation in Arithmetic Calculus with Students in Teacher Training in the Specialty in Mathematics
estimation, students, calculus, teachingAbstract
Here we present some preliminary results of the first phase of research of the doctoral program of the 2010-2012 generation (in progress), at the Instituto Superior de Ciencias de la Educación del Estado de México (ISCEEM). This article presents evidence of the application of instruments designed to study estimation, both conceptual and in the application of arithmetic operations, to 17 students who attended the second semester of the Bachelor's Degree in Secondary Education with a specialty in mathematics at the Escuela Normal Superior de México (ENSM). The teaching strategy demonstrated the institutional proposal (SEP, 1999; SEP, 2002). The type of responses given by the students suggest the need to incorporate estimation into the curriculum of the Normal Schools. In addition, estimation and its teaching by themselves are necessary for their practical utility in almost all activities that human beings perform and because they complete the training of students at any educational level (Segovia and Castro, 2009, p. 506). The evidence presented here suggests that monitoring should be carried out from basic education levels to higher levels, in order to detect student performance; to do so, it is advisable to design specific estimation activities so that students develop their own strategies and estimation processes in calculation. It is also recommended that they study other mathematical skills, such as mental calculation and spatial imagination, since these and others will help students solve mathematical problems more easily (López, 2001; Vázquez, 2010, Segovia, et al. 1989).
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