The Influence of Teacher Professionalization on Teaching


  • M.G. Martínez G.



The professionalization of teachers has a great impact on teaching. In order to perform with ethics and quality, teaching requires a series of requirements that are not comparable with those of other professions. Therefore, professionalization is required to allow teachers to provide quality teaching for their students, who are the future of the nation.

We must be aware of the importance of the work that teachers perform in each moment that they are in front of their students.

In recent years, the professionalization of teachers has been sought through the Normal Schools, UPES and CAM, to improve teaching; but there is still much resistance among teachers who do not have training in some of the IFADs.

Teaching can become devalued if it is not carried out with true vocation and preparation. Therefore, the image that society has of teachers must be rescued and revalued. The heart, vocation and continuous training should be the current Trivium that teachers must make their own.


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How to Cite

Martínez G., M. (2013). The Influence of Teacher Professionalization on Teaching. Revista Ra Ximhai , 9(4 Especial).



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