Teaching skills developed by teachers in training for the Bachelor's Degree in Primary Education during the 2012-2013 school year at Cybenp: Case study


  • Salvador Higareda G.




This research deals with: “The teaching skills developed by teachers in initial training who are in the fourth grade of the Bachelor's Degree in Primary Education at the Centenaria y Benemérita Escuela Normal para Profesores de Toluca, Mex., in the 2012-2013 school year: Case study”.

The problem was posed: How is the training process carried out in students who take the subjects of Teaching Work I and II, as well as the Seminar of Analysis of Teaching Work I and II during the seventh and eighth semesters, aimed at gradually developing the teaching skills established in the 1997 Study Plan of the Bachelor's Degree in Primary Education?

The objective was: To carry out a phenomenological type of research, to account for how the training process is carried out. The document is organized in three parts: the first contains the Theoretical Framework, the second refers to the methodological framework and the third a balance of the results.

A qualitative methodology was considered, using two scenarios, “…to try to understand people within their frame of reference” (Taylor, 1987: 20). One was at the Centenary and Meritorious Normal School for Teachers of the City of Toluca, Mexico and the other was the Primary School “Profra. Eudoxia Calderón Gómez” of the City of Toluca, Mexico, where six interns carried out their Teaching Work. The instruments used were the observation record for the advisor, opinion survey for students, observation-evaluation record for tutors.

Regarding the results, the main actions that supported the consolidation of these features were: The guidance and tutoring received during the 7th and 8th semesters; the activities considered in the subjects of Teaching Work I and II, as well as in the Seminar for the Analysis of Teaching Work I and II. One situation that was detected was that the results of the CENEVAL evaluation were low and those of the Teaching Work carried out in practice were high, giving a contradiction in this, the answer has to do with the type of exams that are developed in the normal school, which considers reagents that focus more on conceptual aspects and are completely different from those of CENEVAL, which consider the application of theory.


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How to Cite

Higareda G., S. (2013). Teaching skills developed by teachers in training for the Bachelor’s Degree in Primary Education during the 2012-2013 school year at Cybenp: Case study. Revista Ra Ximhai , 9(4 Especial). https://doi.org/10.35197/rx.09.03.e2.2013.20.sh



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