Effects of the 2007 crisis on Mexico's public finances


  • Sergio Enrique Beltrán Noriega
  • Rubén Antonio González Franco
  • Luis Alfredo Ávila López




globalization, international trade, employment, capital flow, taxes


At the end of the last century and the beginning of this one, the effects on the world economy have been having repercussions on the economic, political and financial situation of several nations, having a significant impact on the economies of Latin America, affecting, among other aspects, trade, capital flow, foreign direct investment and remittances. This analysis identifies and analyzes the macroeconomic mechanisms that cause imbalances in economies with emphasis on Latin America, through a bibliographic review of classical and modern economic theories, and the collection of data from specialized institutions. The empirical results show that the economy obtains these results due to some elements such as the demographic structure, the tax aspect, the dependence on energy, its credit and public sector, the impact of the social system on the current account.


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How to Cite

Beltrán Noriega, S. E., González Franco, R. A., & Ávila López, L. A. (2012). Effects of the 2007 crisis on Mexico’s public finances. Revista Ra Ximhai , 8(2). https://doi.org/10.35197/rx.08.02.2012.09.sb



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