Sustainable entrepreneurship and resonant and innovative leadership: a strategic binomial for sustainable development in Latin American territories


  • Javier Rosas Benítez Universidad Autónoma Chapingo
  • Artemio Cruz León Universidad Autónoma Chapingo



family, peasant strategies, peasant logic, pitaya


In the Mixtec region of Oaxaca, the family is still the main strategy of social reproduction, where its members come together and form their worlds. This research seeks to recognize peasant strategies in the pitaya (Stenocereus pruinosus) productive system in the municipality of Santiago Chazumba versus the context of capitalist relations of production. The results found indicate that peasant logic differs from the capitalist system, in addition to this, peasant tactics have been conditioned by environmental, structural and social factors, which is why the strategies of peasants in the municipality of Santiago Chazumba were studied. The most visible restriction is the environmental one; however, there are other conditions that require the use of qualitative methodologies to recognize that the Mixtec has developed biological, succession, educational, economic and symbolic investment strategies that they use jointly and simultaneously to maintain and reproduce themselves in a neoliberal world, where their reproduction logic is not the accumulation of capital. The Mixtec family bases its logic on family reproduction and makes use of multi-functionality in both agricultural and livestock production, as well as renting out its labor force. All of the above demonstrates that the Mixtec have managed to maintain themselves in the capitalist world, where peasant logic differs from the capitalist system.


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How to Cite

Rosas Benítez J., & Cruz León A. (2020). Sustainable entrepreneurship and resonant and innovative leadership: a strategic binomial for sustainable development in Latin American territories. Revista Ra Ximhai , 16(4 Especial), 273–291.



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