Forms of Interculturality in Art: Hybridization and Transculturation


  • Álvaro Villalobos Herrera
  • Cynthia Ortega Salgado



interculturality, hybridization, transculturalization, art


This article considers that hybridization and transculturation are part of interculturality, since both respond to encounters and clashes between groups. These processes have been addressed on different occasions to show their influences in the social sciences and humanities. From this, their differences in artistic production are established as a manifestation of intercultural relations in which values ​​that denote formal and conceptual changes and mobilities in the work and thought of their authors are reflected. The procedural and continuous transformation character in which art is produced is emphasized, as a form of knowledge; when one of its characteristics is the capacity to establish devices between form and concept that arise from random and haphazard mixtures, obtaining mobile and imprecise results but useful and verifiable with the same validity as in the hard sciences.


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How to Cite

Villalobos Herrera, Álvaro, & Ortega Salgado, C. (2012). Forms of Interculturality in Art: Hybridization and Transculturation. Revista Ra Ximhai , 8(3).



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