Natural resource management in the Sierra de Sonora under the UMAFOR scheme. Case studies: Sierra Alta and Sierra la Madera


  • María de la Paz Montañez Armenta
  • Gertrudis Yanes Arvayo
  • Hugo Silva Kurumiya



productive activities, use value, ecosystems, environmental services, social actors


This essay shows the management and value of natural resources from a social, sustainable and legal perspective, under the scheme of the Sustainable Forest Management Units (UMAFOR). During the month of March 2010, two participatory workshops were held, one at the UMAFOR Sierra La Madera and another at the UMAFOR Sierra Alta, belonging to the eastern sierra of the state of Sonora. An adaptation of the methodology of "Problems, causes and consequences" by Ramírez-García (2004) was used in the topics of conservation, productive activities, society, legislation, research and support programs. The objective was to make an analysis of the challenges and opportunities that the Sierra of Sonora presents under this management scheme. The value of natural resources was documented by type of ecosystem and by value of use (direct and indirect economic value) that it represents for local people. The main value found for the Sierra region of Sonora was the productive economic value and use value (consumptive), with the opportunity to change traditional productive activities for non-extractive activities that promote support and regulation services for ecosystem processes as well as cultural services. Local producers show interest in linking with institutional managers for research, advice and support for the diversification of productive activities. It is possible to glimpse paradigm shifts towards a development more in line with the principles of sustainability, and UMAFOR schemes represent an alternative.


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How to Cite

Montañez Armenta, M. de la P., Yanes Arvayo, G., & Silva Kurumiya, H. (2011). Natural resource management in the Sierra de Sonora under the UMAFOR scheme. Case studies: Sierra Alta and Sierra la Madera. Revista Ra Ximhai , 7(2), 187–194.



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