Production of (Cedrela odorata l.) in raw sawdust with different doses of fertilization, in Tecpan de Galeana, Guerrero
substrate, sawdust, fertilizer dose, plant growthAbstract
Among the main problems that arise in the production of plants in nurseries is the adequate use of substrates and fertilization routines that lead to achieving both morphological and physiological quality of the plant, to resist and overcome the environmental conditions of the site where they will be established. In this work, the effects of different levels of slow-release fertilizer on the initial growth of Cedrela odorata L. (red cedar), produced in containers, were evaluated. A completely randomized experimental design was used where a substrate based on 70% sawdust + 30% peat moss-agrolite- vermiculite (60:20:20) was used respectively, with four levels of slow-release fertilizer Osmocote plus® (15-9-12) 0, 6, 9 and 12 Kg/m3. At three and a half months of age, the plants that received fertilization level four (12 kg/m3 of fertilizer) presented the highest values for the variables dry weight of shoots, dry weight of roots, total dry weight, shoot/root ratio, slenderness index and Dickson quality index. The fertilization level three (nine kg/m3 of fertilizer) presented the highest values for the variables of height and diameter. According to the results obtained, a direct relationship was presented between the fertilization dose and the evaluated variables, that is, as the amount of fertilizer increased, the value of the evaluated variables increased. However, the application of 12 kg/m3 of fertilizer caused a slight phytotoxicity effect that manifested itself in a brief decrease in the variables of height and diameter compared to the 9 kg/m3 treatment, which resulted in the highest values of said variables. For this reason, and the fact that there was no statistically significant difference in the data produced by these two treatments (9 and 12 kg/m3) in each and every one of the variables evaluated for the execution of this work, the 9 kg/m3 treatment is considered technically better. In addition to this, it is pertinent to emphasize that in economic terms, the 9 kg/m3 treatment is also better, since it implies a saving of 3 kg of fertilizer for each cubic meter of substrate to be prepared, yielding practically the same results compared to the 12 kg/m3 treatment.
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