Daily life and digital competence of Madrid children in primary education. Analysis of a case
ICT, digital divide, family, habitusAbstract
This study is interested in the daily life with ICT of elementary school students in the region sur-rounding the capital of Spain. It is about analyzing the uses and participation of the digital culture of this group, at a time when public educational pol-icies are working to improve digital competence and digital citizenship in the country. The meth-odology collects the results of 3 case studies with students and educational centers of the aforemen-tioned area, through a descriptive-comparative analysis of the components of digital competence present in the daily lives of these children. She is interested in the processes of incorporation of computer devices in the innovative methodologies of educational centers, which in turn are integrat-ed into the routines of families at home. Among the results, despite its introduction in schools and the interaction sought by them with families me-diated by ICT, the absence of the most significant dimensions of digital competence in the daily lives of these students is observed
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