Cooperation according to Piaget: an experimental computer study among Veracruz men of different ages
social behavior, affective intelligence, mexicans, Kruskal-WallisAbstract
The present study tested Piaget’s notion on Co-operation: “coordinated points of view or acions, generated respectively from different human beings” (1977). The aim was to examine the notion of Cooperation as product of an intellectualdevelopment process, comparable to the develop-ment of the logical-mathematic skill. According to Piaget’s stages of intellectual development, such intellectual skill can be applied to the social world and is acquired through ageing. In consequence, the hypothesis tested was as follows: cooperation increases as age increases. Even though 380 men from Veracruz participated in pairs, the outcome received was from only 190. The cooperation was measured by a computer-based program called PDI which was specifically designed for this pur-pose. This program recreates a social interaction situation in which six social behaviours are re-quired, cooperation, individualism, and compe-tition among them. All data were processed with the help of the statistics program SPSS. With this program was performed the statistical analysis strategy to the descriptive and inferential levels since all the resulted data are no parametrical in nature. The Kruskall-Wallis Test confirmed the hypothesis statistically meanwhile a Median Test confirmed that adults tent to be more cooperative than children and teenagers. In the discussion, and as part of the study’s limitations, a body of literature was reported for which culture or social-ization (not intelligence) plays a vital role in the development of cooperative behavior. However, it was concluded that within the same culture, a person can be cooperative, individualistic or com-petitive, alternately and as a product of his or her ability to take the perspective of other people and build a notion of “us”.
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