Influence of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder on the self-esteem of elementary school children in Chiapas
self-esteem, Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity, education, elementary school studentsAbstract
Currently, children are subjected to endless labels because of behaviors that society qualifies as im-proper, generally they are compared with other children of the same age, noting that their beha-vior differs significantly from what is expected. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most common neurobehavioral syndrome in childhood and can continue through ado-lescence and adulthood. The manifestations of ADHD appear in childhood, and generate a series of alterations in personal, school and social func-tionality that affect the child’s interaction with society. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the relationship between children with ADHD and their self-esteem. A correlational quantitative study was carried out using different scales to measure self-es-teem in addition to carrying out psycho-pedagogical and neuropsychological evaluations to identify the indicators of abilities and behaviors that the child presents. The correlation between self-esteem and ADHD was found, among the main results it was found that children who present this disorder tend to develop low self-esteem, thereby achieving the fulfillment of the objectives set.
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