Perception of the concept of interculturality and gender in students of the Autonomous Indigenous University of Mexico


  • Ana Luiza Corrales Baldenebro Universidad Autónoma Indígena de México



interculturality, intercultural education, gender, polisemic, students


This article discusses the conceptualization of the interculturality of the students of the Indigenous Autonomous University of Mexico from the gender perspective, if the perception of interculturality changes because of being a man or a woman. It has as a reference the research work on the ways in which interculturality is conceived by students, called academic holders, in the 2013-2014 school year. In the first place, this research was based on the analytical method that involved the analysis of elements that make up the students' understanding of interculturality. The descriptive method was used, which consisted in the breakdown of each of the terms that describe interculturality. This was very timely due to the complexity of the aforementioned phenomenon in terms of data collection and interpretation, the Ethnographic method was also used because the research does not leave aside what people do, how they behave and how they interact, in addition It is proposed to describe their beliefs, values, perspectives, motivations. The methods were supported by research techniques that facilitated the understanding of the study phenomenon, the participant observer technique and the questionnaire were used, because there are spaces in which it is difficult to can access the daily life of students. The perception of interculturality does not change because of being a man or a woman, it was found that the concept of interculturality is polysemic that has many meanings, most of which refer to the relationship of cultures in a place and their interaction.


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How to Cite

Corrales Baldenebro, A. L. (2023). Perception of the concept of interculturality and gender in students of the Autonomous Indigenous University of Mexico. Revista Ra Ximhai , 19(2), 205–226.



Artículos científicos