Initial training of researchers


  • Karina Alejandra Cruz Pallares



professional skills, initial teacher education, teaching skills, action research


This article presents the results of a research project that used a complementary training project as a strategy with thirty-three students of the Bachelor's Degree in Primary Education, Plan 1997 (LEP, 1997) of a Teacher Training School, implemented by four tenured teachers of an Academic Body (CA) for the initial training of researchers, a process that is developed and recovered through the action-research methodology. The findings highlight the strengthening of the competence for reading, understanding and writing scientific texts, which is analogous to the first feature of the graduate profile called intellectual skills. Among the conclusions, it is emphasized that the initial training of teachers is an extremely interesting, challenging and complex task, as complex is the educational phenomenon.


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How to Cite

Cruz Pallares, K. A. (2015). Initial training of researchers. Revista Ra Ximhai , 11(4 Especial), 91–100.



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