Challenges of continuing teacher training


  • María Manuela Valles Ornelas
  • Alma Delia Campos Arroyo
  • Efren Viramontes Anaya



collaborative teacher formation, personal self-invitation


This essay deals with the new challenges of teachers and managers to resolve their ongoing teacher training from the activities developed by the school collective. The research from which this content is derived was carried out in a primary school in the state of Chihuahua. The method used was action research, to answer the question: How to promote the ongoing training processes of the staff of this school. The purpose is to generate or self-manage teacher training processes to improve the service that the school provides to students. The school collective is the center of the process, cooperative and collaborative work accompanied by educational and persuasive leaderships provide better results, all accompanied by professional self-invitation.


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How to Cite

Valles Ornelas, M. M., Campos Arroyo, A. D., & Viramontes Anaya, E. (2015). Challenges of continuing teacher training. Revista Ra Ximhai , 11(4 Especial), 201–212.



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