The formation of the academic body: intercultural education in the accounting, administrative and fiscal areas of the Autonomous Indigenous University of Mexico


  • Anet Yuriria de Jesús López Corrales
  • Verónica Camacho Valdez
  • Miriam Fabiola Guerrero



research, interculturality, projects


Based on the mission and vision of the Autonomous Indigenous University of Mexico, the idea of ​​forming an Academic Body of the educational program of Bachelor's Degree in Accounting was born, whose mission is to develop the culture of research in each one of the Educational Facilitators and Academic Holders of the Accounting Educational Program, placing the development of knowledge in high priority for intellectual contribution with quality investigative work that allows local development as well as regional scope, through intercultural education in the accounting, administrative and fiscal area. The aim is to be a group of researchers with local and regional recognition, with the contribution of research in intercultural education that apply the updates of the concepts, methods and techniques of the accounting area and application with the same, committed to small and medium-sized companies in the region, both in the administrative and fiscal area.


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How to Cite

López Corrales, A. Y. de J., Camacho Valdez, V., & Guerrero, M. F. (2015). The formation of the academic body: intercultural education in the accounting, administrative and fiscal areas of the Autonomous Indigenous University of Mexico. Revista Ra Ximhai , 11(4 Especial), 305–314.



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