Virtual environment for the subject of teaching mathematics in basic education


  • Karla Elizabeth Barrera del Castillo



educational intervention model, semi-presence education, e-learning, e-pedagogy


This paper describes the proposal for a semi-presential educational intervention model for the subject “Teaching Mathematics in Basic Education”, corresponding to the fourth semester of the Bachelor of Special Education, Plan 2004, of the Normal School of Specialization of the State of Sinaloa (ENEES), which addresses the characteristics of the desirable graduation profile of students regarding the effective and efficient use of technological tools, disciplinary competencies, collaborative work and digital competencies, which are developed through the adaptation and use of the proposed model. It also addresses the relevance of teachers addressing the digital literacy required by the knowledge society; firstly based on personal development needs and then to respond to the current educational context. The educational intervention model defined in this paper contributes to the interaction of teachers and students with technological resources, collaborative work, work groups, resources and activities for each topic to be developed. The e-Collaborative Learning System was used, which is a Comprehensive Collaborative System for Education without Barriers (SICEB) implemented by the Secretariat of Public Education and Culture (SEPyC), in which different types of learning objects are integrated between synchronous and asynchronous activities. The proposed model is based on the criteria defined by e-pedagogy, which incorporates concepts such as quality, values, and effectiveness with the support of Technologies for Learning and Knowledge Acquisition (TAC).


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How to Cite

Barrera del Castillo, K. E. (2015). Virtual environment for the subject of teaching mathematics in basic education. Revista Ra Ximhai , 11(4 Especial), 315–325.



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