Conditions for entry into the teaching profession: a factor in achieving educational quality


  • Francelia Jazmín Aguirre Gómez
  • Claudia Dévora Rodríguez
  • Enrique Valenzuela Dorado



quality, selection of applicants, admission profile, graduate profile, teaching profession


Achieving quality education in Mexico has long been a difficult task, which has led the Federal Government to generate new reforms in the field of education. In particular, the training of basic education teachers is going through a period of transition following the implementation of the curricular reform in Normal Education, which responds to the demands of the professionalization of the teaching career.

The new 2012 study plan proposes a series of generic and professional competencies that future teachers will have to develop during their initial training; a determining factor that influences the achievement of the graduate profile is the academic and personal condition of the students who attend Normal Education. Hence the importance of analyzing and assessing who are the young people who aspire to the teaching profession, what is the reality of the selection processes that take place in Teacher Training Institutions and what is the current legislation to regulate entry. Triangulating this analysis allows us to recognize that in order to improve the quality of teacher training, it is necessary to generate highly selective mechanisms to obtain the most suitable people with the desire to train and teach.


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profesión docente: un factor para el logro de la calidad educativa

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How to Cite

Aguirre Gómez, F. J., Dévora Rodríguez, C., & Valenzuela Dorado, E. (2015). Conditions for entry into the teaching profession: a factor in achieving educational quality. Revista Ra Ximhai , 11(4 Especial), 405–412.



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