Virtual environments and biochemistry in the specialty of visual function, at the CICS UMA-IPN


  • Blanca Elisa Pérez Magaña
  • Claudio Francisco Hernández Rodríguez
  • José Manuel Nazario Godínez



virtual environments, Moodle platform, teacher, student


Higher and postgraduate education in Mexico, taught at the National Polytechnic Institute, is undergoing a period of constant and sustained modification that has involved the creation of new pedagogical proposals aimed at promoting learning, highlighting virtual education. The development of ICT (Information Technology and Communication) in recent years has favored the emergence and consolidation of Bachelor's Degrees, Diplomas, Specialties, Master's Degrees, among others, using distance learning based on a web environment. This work analyzes the importance of the Biochemistry course taught in the Visual Function Specialty at the CICS UMA and that allowed both students and teachers to try to practically eliminate the theoretical disadvantages of traditional teaching. The results obtained, in addition to the skills and competencies acquired by the students, were extremely satisfactory, and it is hoped to continue implementing such environments in other specialties and master's degrees.


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How to Cite

Pérez Magaña, B. E., Hernández Rodríguez, C. F., & Nazario Godínez, J. M. (2014). Virtual environments and biochemistry in the specialty of visual function, at the CICS UMA-IPN. Revista Ra Ximhai , 10(5 Especial).



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