Evaluation of the research-based learning system (SABI) in the biochemistry unit of the CICS UMA IPN
evaluation, research, learning, ICTAbstract
Learning is a co-responsible, participatory and permanent process, which involves: the learner, teacher, classmates, institution and other social factors in which the student develops. As a triggering element of learning is research, which is carried out from real facts that are addressed on the basis of the scientific development of the state of the art. One of the fundamental elements in the professional training of students is the method used. The Research-Based Learning System is an educational innovation (SABI), which was used in the Learning Unit of Basic Sciences of the Cardiovascular System in the 33rd, 34th, 35th, 36th and 37th Generations in the years from 2008 to 2012 of the Medicine Career and as a result, a decrease in the number of failed students was obtained, improving the performance. This method is an excellent alternative in the teaching-learning process and can be used in groups with a variable number of students.
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