Evaluation of the tutoring program of the Technological Institute of Los Mochis (case of the business management engineering program, 2013-2014)


  • Nora Patricia Ayala Bobadilla
  • María Guadalupe Naranjo Cantabrana
  • Zenia Isabel Castro Borunda




impact, accompaniiment, student


The tutoring action must give relevance to those characteristics of education that transcend instruction and make up that fund of experiences that allow for a comprehensive education. The universe of this study was 190 students of the Business Management Engineering degree at the Technological Institute of Los Mochis (ITLM) to whom an open survey was applied, which showed that the Institutional Tutoring Program of ITLM does not have a strong impact on the comprehensive training of the student, that is, in the professional, academic and social spheres, therefore it was concluded that it is necessary to carry out a series of corrective actions so that the PIT can really respond to its purpose regarding those under tutelage.


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How to Cite

Ayala Bobadilla, N. P., Naranjo Cantabrana, M. G., & Castro Borunda , Z. I. (2014). Evaluation of the tutoring program of the Technological Institute of Los Mochis (case of the business management engineering program, 2013-2014). Revista Ra Ximhai , 10(5 Especial). https://doi.org/10.35197/rx.10.03.e1.2014.13.na



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