Pressure increase in a container with inflated balloons inside: student predictions and explanations


  • Ladislao Romero Bojórquez
  • Josip Slisko
  • Alejandra Utrilla Quiroz



previous ideas, conceptual change, significant learning, cognitive conflict, metacognition


Using a predict-observe-explain (POE) teaching strategy, students' prior ideas are explored to influence conceptual change as a significant learning process. The study population was 140 students from the 2nd semester of Common Core, from the QFB, IBQ and IQ courses, from the FCQB of the UAS. A mixed questionnaire of open and multiple choice questions was used, justifying their answers, with the option of supporting them with drawings. The students responded while following an experimental demonstration. The questionnaire involves cognitive conflict and metacognition activities, making students aware of scientific misconceptions, and adopting attitudes that facilitate their understanding, influencing a significant conceptual change in this study population.


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How to Cite

Romero Bojórquez, L., Slisko, J., & Utrilla Quiroz, A. (2014). Pressure increase in a container with inflated balloons inside: student predictions and explanations. Revista Ra Ximhai , 10(5 Especial).



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