Positive and negative attitudes of students towards learning mathematics, their impact on failure and terminal efficiency


  • Ladislao Romero Bojórquez
  • Alejandra Utrilla Quiroz
  • Victor Manuel Utrilla Quiroz




affective dominion, beliefs, conceptions, motivation


The objective of this research was to problematize the positive and negative attitudes of students in learning mathematics, their impact on failure and terminal efficiency. It was carried out at the Rubén Jaramillo Preparatory Academic Unit of the Autonomous University of Sinaloa. The participants are students from groups 2°01 to 2°08 of the third semester of the morning shift of the 2009-2010 school year. The attitudes that students have towards learning mathematics are analyzed and interpreted. From their point of view, we approach the subjective dimension, which day by day they build in the interactions that occur in the classroom, and which has an effect on the understanding of knowledge. We can affirm that the attitudes of students do influence failure in mathematics, but the impact on terminal efficiency is not decisive.


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How to Cite

Romero Bojórquez, L., Utrilla Quiroz, A., & Utrilla Quiroz, V. M. (2014). Positive and negative attitudes of students towards learning mathematics, their impact on failure and terminal efficiency. Revista Ra Ximhai , 10(5 Especial). https://doi.org/10.35197/rx.10.03.e1.2014.20.lr



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