Attitudes towards physical activity and sport
physical activity, sport, attitudeAbstract
Currently, one of the main problems of this country is the sedentary life that Mexicans lead, first places worldwide in overweight and obesity, in addition to problems of prosocial behavior and delinquency, adding the low academic performance in the educational sector, the present research seeks to know the attitudes of female students towards Physical Activity and sports within their training and performance as future teachers.
This research was carried out under the qualitative approach, through the ethnographic method, using observation as a technique, and the field diary and the survey as collection instruments, to interpret the data obtained and arrive at the results, the seven phases of María Mercedes Gagneten (1999) were applied.
Among the conclusions, we can mention the change in attitude on the part of the students towards this type of activities, going from negative to positive attitudes, detecting soccer, volleyball and basketball as the most practiced sports disciplines by the students as well as swimming as one of the most liked. The possible reasons why students did not carry out these activities were analyzed, and the lack of information, culture and aspects of the internal organization of the student council were found as direct factors.
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