On the path mapped out: manifestations of bullying in high school and higher education in the central-northern regional unit of the UAS


  • Irma Leticia Zapata Rivera
  • Yolanda Noemi Guerrero Zapata




perception, violence, communication media, technologies, sociocultural environments


The scarce information about the phenomenon of bullying at the secondary and higher levels, together with the problems observed equally in classrooms and hallways of the educational institution, became the driving force behind the realization of an investigative work of which today only an extract is presented, perhaps the most important as a category of analysis of results. The information obtained through the instrument used on this occasion, constituted the backbone of the work carried out in terms of the recognition of psychological, sociological and sociocultural factors that shape the personality of our student population, the degree of perception of social violence present in our immediate environment; the role of the media and technological means in the configuration of the social imaginary as violence as a 'normal' state and with it the loss of consciousness.


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How to Cite

Zapata Rivera, I. L., & Guerrero Zapata, Y. N. (2014). On the path mapped out: manifestations of bullying in high school and higher education in the central-northern regional unit of the UAS. Revista Ra Ximhai , 10(5 Especial). https://doi.org/10.35197/rx.10.03.e1.2014.31.iz



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